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First and Main Stuffed Animals

Formed in 1994, First and Main plush has grownFirst and Main Stuffed Teddy Bears to become one of the leaders in quality, affordable plush animals. Based out of Illinois, First and Main's collection of stuffed animals during that time has grown from just a few different styles to hundreds of styles and sizes of all kinds of plush....especially their ever popular stuffed teddy bears! The First and Main collection of stuffed teddy bears is recognized industry wide for their quality, personality and imagination, and are a wonderful way to show someone how much you care! As with all of the plush line from First and Main, each teddy bear is crafted with care from only the highest quality, softest fabrics and the cuddliest stuffing around. We're sure you will be thrilled with your First and Main stuffed animal, and it will become a lifetime treasure for the recipient!
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